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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Service of the Word: Part III

Salutation (Greeting) 

Historically, this term comes from a Latin word meaning "good health"/"to be made whole." (Salve, Caesar!) In Spanish, one says, "Salud," in response to a sneeze. This is also related to the English word 'salvation.' In Christ, we are made well/are made whole.

Explanation: Since Jesus is about to come to us in His Word, the pastor "hopes" that the Lord enters into the spirit of each member of the congregation. Here is my first complaint with the LSB. Carrying over from the LW, the congregation's response has been changed to "and also with you," instead of "and with your spirit." The imagery described above has been lost. Furthermore, St. Paul says in his letter to the church sojourning in Rome, "The Spirit helps us in our weakness, because we do not know how we should pray, but the Spirit Himself pleads for us with yearnings that can't find any words." (8:26; AAT) As we are about to pray the Collect, we are reminded that because we have no clue what or how to pray, the Spirit intercedes for us as we pray God's Word back to Him.

Scripture: Romans 8:27; 2 Timothy 4:22

Alternatives: I have come up with this reponsive reading, based on Romans 8, trying to capture its essence.
   L: We wait for You, O Lord, in eager expectation.
   C: Because we, who have the Spirit as our preview of heaven, groan inwardly as we look forward to having
       our bodies freed and our adoption as Your sons.1
   L: The Spirit Himself pleads for us with the sighs for which we have no words,
   C: because we do not know how we should pray, but He Who searches our hearts knows what the Spirit
        has in mind, for He is pleading for the saints in God’s own way.
   L: Therefore, may the Lord be with your spirit.
   C: And also with yours.

Hymns: I am not aware of any hymns that capture the fullness of this text. "Lord, Teach Us How to Pray" (vv.1,6) comes close, though.

Collect (We collect the theme(s) of the day in prayer.)

Explanation: We pray that the message of the week may work within us, that we live-out that message, and that we may grow in our faith and understanding of the particular theme of the Scripture lessons.

Scripture: It varies from week to week.

Alternatives: The Lutheran Church of Australia's website offers essentially a smaller version of Creative Worship, including alternative collects. All is free!

Hymns: I'm not aware of any collection of hymns based on the collects, but that would be cool. (hint.)

1 In Roman times, only adopted males were the full heirs. With this understanding, we all (male and female) are adopted as sons.

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